This website is copyright 2004 by Dale Harris. No portion of this website may be reproduced by any means or for any purpose without written permission from the author. The software offered for download on this site may reproduced and given away but may not be sold or offered for auction.
Click here to download Harris Test.
Click to download.
Harris Test Version 6.11
Ages 5 to Adult.
552K Bytes.
File name = TEST.ZIP
Run command = TEST
Place files into directory C:\TESTER

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A short note from Dr. Colman Paul on using Harris Test for teaching concept called Precision Teaching.
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Program description.

This program prints tests, study sheets, and makes computer given quizzes. To use this program you may enter up to 999 questions per course (128 courses per drive) using a question editor similar to those in word processors or use your favorite WP program to write the questions and this program can import them.

Once the questions have been entered you select the questions that you wish to use to make a test, study sheet, or computer quiz, along with many different formatting options.

This program is extremely flexible (there are 2048 ways to make a test) yet easy to use. It was written with the computer novice in mind, it is just filled with instructions. There is also a 65 page user's guide that can be printed from the program.

This program can be used for many tasks, from printing one test to printing up to 999 versions of the same test (questions and/or answers in scrambled order), to using the computer quiz feature to give timed tests to one student or many.

Questions can be either multiple choice, fill in the blank, essay or cross match. (No essay questions on personal computer quizzes.)

This program now makes both personal computer quizzes, where the questions are asked and answered on the computer, and quizzes in HTML code so that you can place your quiz on the internet.

Both your personal computer and HTML internet quizzes can include documents and graphics. You can even combine text, graphics, and questions to make a computer textbook. Each quiz can be a chapter in the textbook with questions at the end of each chapter.

Personal computer quizzes can be configured to give the student the correct answer after the student has answered a question incorrectly, in effect, electronic flash cards. Study almost any subject at the computer over and over.

Personal computer quiz scores and all student's answers can be printed at the end of the quiz or saved to disk. An entire class's saved scores and answers can be combined into 1 file and several reports can be printed or you can load the class's scores and answers into a spreadsheet program and create your own reports.

Student's HTML internet quiz answers can be e-mailed to you or sent to a gateway script (that you provide) for grading. My next project is to create a program that will automatically grade e-mailed quizzes.

If quizzes are taken on personal computer various reports may be printed or you may even create you own reports using your spread sheet software. Click for DETAILS.

Are you really interested in what this program will do? Complete users guide for Harris Test.




No bugs reported.

View some actual screens from a personal computer quiz.
More details on HTML quizzes...

HTML Quiz Maker help file. | Sample HTML quiz. | Sample HTML textbook.

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